Aug 28, 2024 · Xr0 Team
We implemented all the relational (<
, <=
, >=
, >
) operators for the
special case that the two rconsts1 have ranges overlapping in at most
discontiguous points. This is done using an algorithm that reduces comparisons
between such rconsts to trivial cases. We also converged our equality operators
, !=
) to rely on this same algorithm. We will spend the next week or so
doing some refactoring, as well as applying these operators to concluding on the
local-constant size case of buffer out-of-bounds prevention.
As we explained previously, protection from out-of-bounds errors comes down to tracking what is known about the possible values that the size of the buffer and the accessed index (or dereferenced pointer) can take on at runtime. We handle this with what we call rconsts. An rconst (runtime-constant) is our representation of a value that is fixed at runtime. For example, in the code below,
f(int x) { /* do stuff */ }
the value of x
could be any integer, so we regard it as an rconst taking on
values in the interval from INT_MIN
. We use the notation [a?b]
to express the half-open range of values n
such that a ≤ n < b
, but when a
or b
we leave it out, so that [?]
is the range of
values that C integers can take on.
(We only regard [a?b]
as a range if a < b
In the abstract the problem of comparing rconsts is completely intractable.
Consider what happens if two integers x
and y
take on rconst values in
. The value of any given comparison between them, say x < y
, depends upon
billion different pairings. An intuitive sense for the hopelessness of progress in such a situation is probably why most programmers doubt the feasibility of formal verification.
Because we are not wizards, our analysis in Xr0 always and always depends upon the assumption that the programmer can reduce this impossible calculation to manageable special cases. As this relates to out-of-bounds protection, this means when we compare two rconsts, our assumption is that programmer-imposed constraints on the state make it such that the set of possibilities to consider is comparably small. Last week we showed an example of this:
bar(int i) ~ [ setup: i = [0?5]; ]
int arr[2];
if (i < 2) {
arr[i] = 0;
Because the buffer size fixed as 2
, the question of whether arr[i]
is an
out-of-bounds error is in effect two comparisons, 0 ≤ i
and i < 2
, both of
which involve only one non-constant term. Even in more general cases,
the underlying idea remains that the programmer reduces the number of cases by
giving us some sort of relation between the rconsts under comparison. So our
task in Xr0 is not to solve the impossible abstract comparison problem, but
rather, to offer a set of tools that facilitate verification about the concrete,
manageable scenarios that actually arise in programs.
Thus by "the general case" we mean "the general manageable case".
What we did this week is identify a cluster of special cases (for such
comparisons) that function as an ideal stepping stone towards solving this
general manageable case. This is when we have rconsts whose underlying ranges
overlap in discontiguous points only. For example, in both 0 ≤ i
and i < 2
because 0
and 2
are single points, they overlap with i
in at most a single
point. If we were to compare two rconsts in [0?2]
, however, we would have two
contiguous points, 0
and 1
, of overlap.
To explain why this case, which we shall call the separable rconsts case, is easy to deal with, we have to describe the envisioned solution to the general manageable case.
A range of values [a?b]
is the set of integers x
satisfying a ≤ x < b
We include in this definition the requirement that a < b
The set X
of values that an integer x
can take at any sequence point2
in a program is called its possibility set. The tuple (x, X)
is called an
We will generally think of the possibility set as the union of disjoint ranges
since we can always reduce a subset of the integers in [?]
to such a form (in
the extreme using each included integer m
as one range [m?m+1]
in the
We can answer questions involving comparison3 operators if we can put the
rconsts into partial order, so that one precedes the other. The question of
whether or not this order will be strict (resembling <
) or not (≤
) is not
important, but because we chose half-open ranges, a strict order is preferable.
Now the first important observation is that we can define a strict partial order
on any two ranges whenever there is no overlap between them:
Let [a?b]
and [c?d]
be two ranges. We shall say [a?b]
is less than
and write [a?b] < [c?d]
if b ≤ c
Less-than is a strict partial order on the set of mutually-disjoint ranges:
Irreflexive: We always have b = b
, so [a?b] < [a?b]
is false.
Asymmetric: Suppose [a?b] < [c?d]
is false. Then b > c
. If d > a
must have a ≤ c
, since our definition or ranges requires c < d
. But then
a ≤ c < b
, because c < b
or b > c
. This contradicts means c
is in
, which contradicts the disjointedness of [a?b]
and [c?d]
Thus d > a
cannot be, so we have a ≤ d
: [c?d] < [a?b]
Transitive: This one is trivial and follows from the transitivity of ≤
The second observation is that we can reduce any two rconsts, by means of
splitting4 the state, to scenarios that involve either equality or
mutual disjointedness of their possibility sets. Let us see why this is the
case. We begin with two arbitrary rconsts (x, X)
and (y, Y)
We may assume, without any loss of generality, that X
and Y
are individual
ranges [a?b]
and [c?d]
, because if this isn't the case we can split the
state into every pairing of the ranges that constitute them. I.e. we will have
so we can separately consider the ij
cases where we have
for , .
That is a small number follows from the fact that no restrictions the
programmer places on the state will produce a large enough m
or n
, at least
where our concern is bounds.5
The second assumption we can make is that a ≤ c
. If the case is otherwise we
can simply re-name and call X
and Y
The third assumption we make is more surprising: that a = c
. This is possible
because if a < c
, we can "cut off" the case where X = [a?c], Y = [c?d]
which is a case of mutual disjointedness. With this case analysed, the only
possibilities that remain are where X = [c?b], Y = [c?d]
, which share the same
lower bound (so that we can rename again and get a = c
In like fashion, we can cut off the longer tail and get the assumption that
b == d
This kind of cutting thus reduces an arbitrary pair of rconsts to a situation
where the two possibility sets are either disjoint or overlap exactly.
As we showed above, the case of disjointedness allows us to order these ranges
easily, so that we can answer any comparison such as x == y
or x < y
. In
addition, if there is exact overlap in a single point, we can answer that
x == y
is true (and every comparison that includes/excludes equality is
true/false accordingly).
What we did this week is implement the reduction to perfect overlap algorithm, so that now the only situation that we cannot contend with is that where the overlap involves more than one contiguous point, which is the next (and hopefully final) hurdle for our solving of the buffer out-of-bounds problem.
Our plan is to spend the next iteration finishing up the local-constant size case of buffer out-of-bounds verification. At present the internal verification of functions is working, but there is no setup verification of bounds at the point of callers. We'll also be doing a bit of refactoring.
We expect to update by the 7th (of next month).
An rconst (runtime-constant) is our representation of a value that is fixed at runtime. It allows us to reason strictly about what code will do in the presence of uncertainty about the runtime value. It is explained more fully in the Rconsts section. ↩︎
This is a Standard-defined concept:
↩︎At certain specified points in the execution sequence called sequence points, all side effects of previous evaluations shall be complete and no side effects of subsequent evaluations shall have taken place.
The Standard distinguishes between relational and equality operators to secure the weaker binding strength of the latter; here we use the term comparison to include both of them. ↩︎
Splitting refers to generating from one state a series of
states that cover all the possible scenarios in the original. This helps us
make certain statements decidable, like in bar
above creating a scenario in
which i < 2
and one in which it isn't. ↩︎
When we come to consider multiplication, the effect of multiplying
an rconst in [0?5]
by 5
would produce a "periodic" set involving 0
, 5
and 20
. This is an important scenario that will require some analysis
of its own, but if our concern is to analyse whether such an interval will
overshoot some bound it is safe to think of it as [0?25]
. ↩︎
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