The Xr0 Blog

Jun 22, 2024 · Xr0 Team

#18: Multi-dimensional arrays (and bounds)

tl;dr §

This week we implemented multi-dimensional arrays, as well as converged our internal representations for declarations and statements. We will be proceeding with the buffer out-of-bounds problem for the next few weeks, beginning with the case we call local-constant size, which refers to an array whose size is fixed within the function under verification, accessed at arbitrary indexes whose values can depend on parameters.

Some details §

Multi-dimensional arrays §

In our work last week on the local-constant size and index case of buffer out-of-bounds protection, we concluded that it would be convenient to implement array types, to help us write a diverse set of tests. This turned out to be harder than it first appeared, on account of the subtlety of C’s pointer/array equivocation. Last week we were only able to get unidimensional arrays working, and we’re pleased to report that the multidimensional ones are now working.

Two ideas are most characteristic of C among languages of its class: the relationship between arrays and pointers, and the way in which declaration syntax mimics expression syntax. They are also among its most frequently criticised features, and often serve as stumbling blocks to the beginner.

Ritchie, The Development of the C Language.1

Getting the array semantics right has been a shockingly difficult challenge, but we find encouragement in Ritchie’s words above. The pointer/array relationship in C is in a very real sense its essential and distinguishing characteristic, together with its mimicking declaration syntax. To introduce arrays we’ve had to understand both of these, and they both require a great deal of recursion.

Consider the code below as an example:

char a[4][3];
a[3][2] = 'a';

When processing the assignment, the compiler treats a[3][2] as


So evaluation of the left-hand-side begins with a the interior most sum a+3, which must be recognised as the sum of a pointer and an integral offset. But a has an array type, so before it can be thus regarded, a conversion must take place in which it becomes a pointer to its first element, which is in turn an array (of three characters). The offset must be scaled by the size of the object pointed at, so a+3 is internally regarded as nine addresses above the beginning of a. The first indirection, *(a+3), then occurs, resulting in an array which must in turn be converted into a pointer, before being added to a trivially-scaled2 offset, 2, before the final indirection takes place.

The same kind of recursive reasoning takes place also in parsing the declaration

char a[4][3];

but we will not go into the details. Suffice to say that beginners are not wrong when they find C’s pointer/array semantics difficult. Let them take comfort (with us) in Ritchie’s words (from the same document referenced above, our emphasis):

In spite of its difficulties, I believe that the C's approach to declarations remains plausible, and am comfortable with it; it is a useful unifying principle.

The other characteristic feature of C, its treatment of arrays, is more suspect on practical grounds, though it also has real virtues. Although the relationship between pointers and arrays is unusual, it can be learned.

Converging declarations and statements §

This is a chore we’ve been intending to do for a while. In view of the similarity between declarations and statements (both are semicolon terminated, are “executed”) and also the fact that we need to implement declaration initialisers, it seemed prudent to use a single representation for them.

Next up §

The work on Xr0 continues. As mentioned above, our attention is returning to the buffer out-of-bounds problem, and in particular, the case where the array size is fixed by constants given within the function being verified [#58]. Our goal for the next two weeks is to solve this case, with the possible exclusion of the general loop cases. See you on 6th July (or earlier).

  1. With American spellings fixed. ↩︎

  2. Trivial because the size of the underlying elements is now 1, because they’re characters. ↩︎

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