Dec 22, 2023 · Xr0 Team
Of the 12 functions that directly invoke an axiomatic memory function, we managed to verify 9. The exceptions are due to unforeseen complexity in handling conditional states (due to selection statements and also to allocating statements within loops that depend on the evaluation of the loop conditional).
Since our goal was to verify all but one, we unambiguously failed to meet this goal. Moreover, we did not iterate further on the simplification of the map and array data structures.
However, out of order of priority, we did write an outline program for the topological sort.
Much to our delight, the experience of verifying in Xr0 is becoming less ad-hoc and more integrated. We found ourselves writing less hacks to get functions over the line, and instead had the pleasant surprise, not few times, that we were able to verify entire functions from "userland" alone.
Our insight also into the nature of the abstract-programming in Xr0 is growing.
As an example, suppose we're modelling a student
struct student {
char *name;
int grade;
struct student *
student_create(char *name, int grade) [
.alloc result;
result->name = name;
/* no mention of result->grade because it has no impact on safety */
struct student *s = malloc(sizeof(struct student));
s->name = name;
s->grade = grade;
return s;
We may want to write a function that, say, parses a student from a row in a CSV file, using the following helper functions:
char *
parse_name(char *row) [ .alloc result; ];
parse_grade(char *row);
The body of the parse_student
function is straightforward:
struct student *
parse_student(char *row)
char *name = parse_name(row);
int grade = parse_grade(row);
return student_create(name, grade);
But what do we write in its abstract? If we write
struct student *
parse_student(char *row) [
.alloc result;
we're kind of stuck because the allocation in parse_name
takes place before
the allocation for the student *
returned. So we've settled on writing
struct student *
parse_student(char *row) [
result = student_create(parse_name(row), parse_grade(row));
which allows us to express the order in which these allocations take place properly, and relies on the abstracts of the involved functions to produce the intended effect in the state.
Because Xr0 is only focused on memory safety, however, we can also write
struct student *
parse_student(char *row) [
result = student_create(malloc(1), $);
to express the same thing. This has led us to doubt the felicity of our syntax
.alloc ptr
.dealloc ptr
as well as the result
keyword. We think that something like
struct student *
parse_student(char *row) [
return student_create(.alloc(), $);
would capture the semantic effect of the function better. We also think it may be useful to allow abstract-local variables in addition to the body-local (usually called local) ones.
The main aim of this iteration (to 30th) will be to find a workable (if compromised) approach to handling cases with conditional statements. We are also converting both goals from last week into stretch goals, and maintaining stretch goal (1.).
Write test(s) that capture(s) what we think is needed for the conditional cases we uncovered [#17]
Implement a "low-res" splitting solution to get these to work [#18].
Stretch goals:
Verify all but one of the functions that directly invoke malloc (or calloc, realloc) and free [#15]
Simplify map and array data structures [#13]
Write a first-version of the "topological sort" mechanism [#16].
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