The Xr0 Blog

Dec 09, 2023 · Xr0 Team

#3: One week early

Whether we overachieved or under-attempted, the reader must judge, but we are done with the items we laid out last week.

What it took §

We did (1.), (2.), (4.) and (5.) as they were stated.

For (3.) we concluded that the concepts of value and variable are sufficiently different to warrant their remaining as such in our model for now. We use variable to represent the variables which are "within scope" on a given line of code (this would include local variables, parameters and globals), but value represents what can be placed in a given location in memory.

For (6.) we investigated and found that it is likely possible to implement a symmetric paradigm for allocation/deallocation. We were interested in this paradigm over against what we currently have (in which deallocations basically delete allocated blocks) because it would allow us to describe and verify functions that deallocate memory without having to first allocate memory. In this way our abstract descriptions of what such "deconstructors" would do would focus on the (attempted) operations in the body, without worrying about the conditions under which they can be safely/effectively executed. We found, however, that using the setups (what we're calling the pre-labelled statements in the abstract) that we had introduced in our previous iteration we're able to verify deconstructive functions in a fairly minimal way, so it seems premature to focus on minifying or eliminating setups altogether.

The main caveat here is we aren't sure about the logical of verifying functions by relying on setups. In particular, it may be possible to construct a function that verifies using certain setups but doesn't perform the operations specified in its abstract. This would mean that at simulation-time (i.e. when the function is called) the effects it introduces would differ from what is checked during its verification.

Next up §

For the next week we'll continue focusing on refactoring the codebase.


  1. Move the functionality of the verify module into the ast module [#10]

  2. Refactor the state module in light of what we learn in (1.) [#11]

  3. Write up the next program to be verified [#12].

Stretch goals:

  1. Simplify map and array data structures [#13]

  2. Convert EXPR_MEMORY into an ast_stmt [#14].

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